Applied Mathematical Physiology (AMP) & Applied Medical Informatics (AMI) Lab
The AMP lab is located in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Bonn focuses on the scientific aspects of mathematical, probabalistic modelling in acute and critical care.
The AMI Lab in the Institute for Medical Biometry, Informatics and Epidemiology at the University of Bonn focuses on the scientific aspects of novel medical infrastructure planning, execution and quality control.
The Staff Unit for Medical & Scientific Technology Development & Coordination (MWTek) at the University Hospital Bonn realizes the planning, consulting and maintenance of infrastructure to facilitate research with clinical data and realize Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) projects.
All three units work under the leadership of PD Dr. med. Sven Zenker, in his various roles at the University of Bonn and at the University Hospital Bonn. For more information, on each unit please scroll below.

Our Team
AMP and AMI scientists are delegated to work in the MWTek staff unit on a regular basis, if their research and development activities affect UKB infrastructure. A current list of team members can be found on the MWTek website linked below.
The AcuWave Project was started to enable a faster translation of algorithms and technologies in acute and critical care medicine, from bench to bedside.
Our daily infrastructure work at UKB is part of the staff unit for Medical & Scientific Technology Development & Coordination. This includes support for local researchers.
Several research institutions in Germany are currently working on the project “ACRIBiS”, under the coordination of the University Hospital Bonn. The goal is to further develop risk assessment for cardiovascular diseases, important for prevention, diagnosis and therapy.
NUM DashBoard (CoronaDashboard)
The Corona Dashboard, which contains data from German University Hospitals, was designed as part of the NUM efforts during the Pandemic. This effort lead to the further development of the NUM Dashboard. For more information, please see the NUM Dashboard website.
Team Assistant
Nina Zagel
For general enquires, please contact our team assistent
+49 228 / 287 10443
Building A01, Room DG14
University Hospital Bonn
53127 Bonn
Workgroup Lead
PD Dr. med. Sven Zenker
Building B23, 2nd floor
University Hospital Bonn
53127 Bonn